The Center for ArtEsteem, also known as Attitudinal Healing Connection, invites the public to Bret Harte Middle School’s Heroic Murals Pedagogy Project Exhibition.

The Spring 2024 iteration of the Heroic Murals Pedagogy Project comprises a suite of six monumental murals continuing Bret Harte students’ research of cultural heroes, local, national and global: from Stacey Abrams, Cesar Chavez, Antoine Hunter, Aeeshah and Kokomon Clottey, John Brown, and more.

Artist and teacher Mr. Jack Leamy, in collaboration with The Center for ArtEsteem, leads and curates the Heroic Murals Pedagogy Project. Over 100 youth have participated in the development of each mural.

These heroic portraits are designed to live inside a mandala that allows the free exploration of aesthetics, communication and meaning catalyzing positive transformations and higher purpose. Honoring a legacy of social justice warriors connects us to the importance of inspiring agency by remembering the heroes upon whose shoulders we stand. Artist Mentors from the California College of the Arts contribute and support the Bret Harte Middle School artists on the design through teaching practice and holding a collegial vision for the youth. 

Aeeshah and Kokomon Clottey, Founders of ArtEsteem Oakland, CA, Ronald Takaki, Antoine Hunter, Heroic Murals Pedagogy, Acrylic on school lockers and wall, 2024

Three Queens, Liliuokalani, Delilah Beasley, Mary Ellen Pleasant, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Frederick Douglas, Caesar Chavez, Heroic Murals Pedagogy 2024/23

Three Queens, Liliuokalani, Delilah Beasley, Mary Ellen Pleasant, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Frederick Douglas, Caesar Chavez, Heroic Murals Pedagogy 2024/23

David Alfaro Siqueiros, Heroic Mural Pedagogy, Acrylic on school lockers and wall, 2023

John Brown, Heroic Murals Pedagogy, Acrylic on school lockers and wall, 2024

Stacy Abrams, Heroic Murals Pedagogy, Acrylic on school lockers and wall, 2022

Stacy Abrams, Heroic Murals Pedagogy, Acrylic on school lockers and wall, 2022

Frederick Douglas, Heroic Murals Pedagogy, Acrylic on lockers and school wall, 2022

Caesar Chavez, Heroic Murals Pedagogy, Acrylic on school wall, 2022

Caesar Chavez, Heroic Murals Pedagogy, Installation Viewl, 2022

Three Queens, Liliuokalani, Delilah Beasley, Mary Ellen Pleasant, Heroic Murals Pedagogy,Acrylic on school lockers and wall, 2024